Spiritual Renewal and religions in the world.
Normally the search of personal peace and spiritual renewal is related with the search of God. To me, this is absolutely true. I believe that if we want to be well and feel spiritual wellness, we must search for God.
However, not everybody in the world thinks like me. Thus this search for spirituality is different to each person and for that there are many religions in the world. This has been the cause of world division, due to different beliefs.
The religions have been created to help and guide spiritually to people with respect to God. However, many religions help people but also take advantage of those who are faithful. For example, the Catholic Church, in which nowadays there has been discovered many cases of sexual abuse performed by priests and the evangelical church that demands large amounts of tithes.
Other important aspect to note is the case of Sir that is named Jesus Christ man. I think that man is absolutely wrong and the people that follow are more wrong yet. Will these people never read the bible? Don’t they know that we are in the recent times and that they are being deceived by antichrist, like he is named.
Finally, I believe that is important to think a few in who we believe in. No religion is perfect, but I believe that more important than having a religion or to believe in what priests and pastors say or do, because they can fail, is to have a relationship with God and with this renewal our spirit day by day.