miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

Super Size meals

Most people in the world in some moment of the life have consumed junk food. Is true that is satisfactory and desirable for us eat this kind of food, but also is true that it isn’t a cheap food here in Costa Rica. Also the restaurants use toys to attract the children attention.

The restaurants spend a lot of money in advertising for get more profit in theirs business, always thinking in obtain more customers compared with others restaurants. Usually the restaurants ignore that their food cause diseases and overweight, by the amount of fat contained in the food, such as super size meals.

Like we saw in the movie, these meals have consequences in our lifes, we can suffer diseases like overweight, hypertension, and so on. These diseases are caused by the amount of fat consumed. Another important aspect that we saw in the movie is that when a person usually feel the necessity of eat this kind of food is an addicction symptom.

Since years ago the trend have been consume this kind of food, mainly because people usually don’t have time to eat good, but we should not be hectic to consume continually these food, we should have more care with our body and health. And also we know that the overweight would cause others psychological problems or others diseases.

1 comentario:

  1. We must take care of our health because our body eventually going to happen to the bill, either with heart disease, diabetes, obesity and others.
    Must not exceed the fat we eat in restaurants such as fast comidad McDonalds
